MidiTracker 1.2


MidiTracker V1.2


Sven Thoennissen
Karlsgraben 35
52064 Aachen



MidiTracker is a MIDI sequencer that uses the 'tracker' concept for composing songs, hence the name. :-) Unlike other tracker programs that have MIDI capabilities, MidiTracker has been designed specifically for MIDI composing and does not use amiga audio (except for the metronome). If you have used trackers before, then it shouldn't take you too long to get accustomed to MidiTracker.

The intention with MidiTracker is to keep everything as dynamic as possible thus giving you more freedom and control over your MIDI data within a tracker environment. For example, have you ever had the problem of wanting to realtime record pitchbend, modulation, aftertouch and sustains but the tracker either didn't get the notes properly or wasn't capable of doing so? Miditracker can do it.


Important changes since 1.1:

- Midi access with Midi-Lib available! Now you can play samples with a sample-player program!
- PC Keyboard option
- Metronome functions enhanced.
- Channelscope: New HiFi-look and peak-hold
- Sysex-Editor
- Quickloader-menu
- New Block operation functions
- Export SMF Type-1 files.
- Main window trackdisplay changes
- Tempo value is now with two decimal places.
- Synth support for: QuasiMIDI Quasar, Roland MC-303, Yamaha-XG, Yamaha CS1x
- Editable preset names for the supported synths
- Editable control sources (name + reset value)


- Kick 2.04, better 3.0+
- 68020 with fastram would be good
- MIDI interface plus equipment (e.g. synthesizer, keyboard) strongly recommended for composing


MidiTracker is available on all Aminet sites. e.g.

It is also available at its support mailbox in Germany:
Corona BBS, Sysop is Mathias Frankenbach.
+49 241 39164 USR V34+
+49 241 24846 V34 Zyxel D
+49 241 4090012 V34 Zyxel 2864ID (ISDN + V34)
+49 241 4090013 ISDN Master
Login: MidiTracker
Password: MidiTracker


Shareware DM 50,- or US $35.00 or AUS $45 (at the Australian Registration Site).


MidiTracker is Shareware. The archive as provided by myself may not be altered. It can be distributed everywhere if done so free of charge. MidiTracker is Copyright 1996-1997 Sven Thoennissen.

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